Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Stumbling Blocks That Make It Difficult to Quit Smoking

If you ask different people who have successfully quit smoking how they managed to stop the habit, you will most likely get different answers. Different people have their own preferred method to stop the nasty habit of smoking, the only way to find out if a particular technique will work for you is by trying it out yourself. But the truth is that the method you choose for stopping your smoking habit is not all that it takes, you need to learn how to deal with the different stumbling blocks that causes people to go back to smoking. These stumbling blocks are stress, weight gain, and withdrawal symptoms.

Stress - This is the primary reason why people start smoking in the first place, and when you are starting to quit smoking, you start to worry how you can cope with stress without cigarettes. Yes, stress seems worse especially when you are just starting to stop smoking, but if you can just find other methods to deal with stress, your road to recovery will run straight. There are actually a lot of other stress relievers other than cigarettes; you can try exercising, meditation, and other relaxation techniques.

Weight Gain - This is one of the biggest concerns of smokers, especially women. But the truth is that you may only gain a couple of pounds after you stop smoking, and these extra pounds are quite easy to get rid of. Quitting cigarette smoking should be considered as a lifestyle change, coupled with healthy eating and exercise, you will no longer be worrying about gaining any extra weight.

Nicotine Withdrawals - Different people are affected by nicotine withdrawal symptoms in different ways, and the degree of severity varies as well. Common withdrawal symptoms that come when you stop smoking are anxiety, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and increased appetite just to name a few. You should learn how to cope with these symptoms if you are really serious about quitting smoking. Like learning relaxation techniques to fight anxiety, healthy eating to improve your appetite and normalize your sleeping habits and others methods of coping.

No one says that it is easy to quit smoking for it will take a lot of diligence and discipline on a smoker's part. The first few weeks will definitely be a tough one, but just buck up and try your best to get through the difficulties and it will all be downhill after that.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7191462


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