Wednesday, October 31, 2012

7 Ugly Truths That Light Smokers Must Know

Many people falsely consider occasional smoking to be risk free but the truth is occasional or light smoking ( 1-3 cigarettes a day) too is very much harmful. Research scientists all over the world have found out that light smoking too can prove to be a reason for many of the harmful conditions at later stages in life. Here are the 7 truths that you should know if you think that light smoking is not harmful:
1. Risk of heart diseases 
It has been found out that the light and occasional smokers were 80% the patients in the study that had heart problems due to damages of smoking. This raises a serious question as occasional smoking too can lead to the clotting or arteries and heart failure.

2. Blood pressure problems 
The harmful toxins from the tobacco leaf cause serious damage to the nerves and help build the cholesterol which can lead to less blood to the heart and further less oxygen in the blood. This leads to a lot of blood pressure problems.

3. Reduced Lifespan 
Occasional smoking can reduce your life span by 1 to 5 years compared to non smokers depending on the frequency and amount of cigarettes that you smoke.

4. Disturbed Blood Circulation 
Light and occasional smoking can affect the blood circulation very much in the body. Reduced amount of oxygen due to smoking can cause many of the metabolism activities to do their work slowly or abruptly. This also leads to the organs getting weakened over prolonged time.

5. Chances of Lung Cancer 
Lung cancer can develop at a very early stage in smokers, which means it does not matter if you are a light smoker, regular smoker or a person exposed to second hand smoke. It is better to keep your self away from those tobacco sticks to avoid lung cancer.

6. Impotence 
Light smoking can also induce impotence in some proportion or the other. There is no perfect relation but it has been proved that smoking affects the sperm production and can lead to total impotence.

7. Skin effects 
Light and occasional smoking may not induce skin cancer, but it surely affects the tissues of mouth, throat, lips and upper body parts including face and hands. This can lead to the loosening and wrinkling of skin too.

Thus even light and social smoking can have serious ill effects on our body and one should always try to avoid smoking even occasionally. Smoking can be addictive as tobacco is known to possess many harmful and addictive toxins. This are the consequences of a smoker if they don't quit smoking.

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