Friday, November 2, 2012

The Purpose of Quit Smoking Timeline

quit smoking timelineChoosing to stop from using cigarettes will give you certain advantages. Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your body is in reaction and it will come back to the same way when you are no longer a smoker. By means of using the simple quit smoking timeline, you will learn what happens to your body once you stop smoking.
The Initial Days
Within the initial few minutes of quitting cigarette use, your blood pressure will restore its normal heart rate. The warmth of your hands and feet would also regain its usual range. Within 8 hours of the quit smoking timeline, the level of carbon dioxide inside your body will also go down and the level of oxygen rises to restore its normal status.
Your risk to heart disease will also reduce during the day you started on quitting. In the next day, your sense of taste and smell increases while the nerve endings started to re-grow. When you reach the 3rd of your quit smoking timeline, your body is also free from nicotine and most of the nicotine-caused metabolites are all cleared out from your body since they passed together with your urine.
2 Weeks up to 3 Months
In the point of your quit smoking timeline, the flow of blood in your system was enhanced. You could also notice that you can walk easier already. This is the period wherein the withdrawal stage comes in that can cause certain side effects like irritability and depression. Oftentimes, these symptoms appear around the 4th week of the quit smoking timeline.
4 to 9 Months
During this period of your quit smoking timeline, breathing will be easier for you because the cilia started to re-grow to improve the function of your lungs.
1 to 5 Years
By the end of your first year in the quit smoking timeline, your risk to acquire heart diseases decreased completely and it will continue up to the fifth year.
10 to 15 Years
Between these times on your quit smoking timeline, your risk to get lung cancer is around less than 30% compared to a persistent smoker. Also, your risks to get cancers on the mouth, esophagus or throat are also diminished. In the end of the 10th year, the possibility to acquire other cancer forms is also reduced including the risk for coronary heart disease. After 15 years, your risk for tooth loss due to cigarette smoking is now in the same stage with those non-smokers.
These are the changes that will happen in your body once you choose to stop on smoking. A quit smoking timeline serves as the guide for anyone who decided to end his or her habit to live longer and improve the quality of life.


  1. Electronic Cig's are one of the best way to quit smoking.. thanks for sharing..

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