Friday, November 2, 2012

Electronic Cigarettes – Substitute for Healthy Smoking

Electronic cigarettes or what they are commonly called E-cigarette is one of the modern smoking alternatives for smokers. This is another way to reduce and to stop smoking. E-cigarettes provide same sensation and look like that of the original. The only difference is base from the word itself it is powered by electricity. It vaporizes nicotine in liquid form then turns it into odorless vapor and tar free smoking experience. The process in this electronic device is very much different from original cigarettes since it directly burns tobacco and obtain nicotine to your body.
Since this is an electronic device, it contains different components to support the process. One main component is the battery. It is a lithium-ion type of batteries that are rechargeable and has button to simple send charge directly to its atomizer. Another one is the atomizer which is the main component of E-cigarettes. It has a heating coil that heats up when it receives charge from the battery. Then is the cartridge where smokers inhaled the vaporize nicotine when it heat ups. It also has a LED light that indicates that this device is ready to use and battery status.
Electronic cigarette is an excellent substitute for smokers who wants to stop smoking. It provides same sensation and experience like what tobacco has. The process of vaporizing nicotine is a healthy way because it prevents you to obtain harmful elements like nicotine and tar compare to what you really get in original cigarettes which is carcinogens. It is eco-friendly since it doesn’t emit any harmful elements into the environment and doesn’t have smoking side effect. It is safe to use because the process is just heating and not burning. E-cigarettes is economical than with original because it is rechargeable compare buying packs of cigarettes but limited puffs. As time pass, it allows users to smoking cessation.
Electronic cigarette is one of the best smoking alternatives available in the market today. Smoking is hard to stop especially when you start at young age. The nicotine content in original cigarettes is the reason for smoking addiction.  Smoking is harmful to your health and it might cause lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. It is the number one causes of death on some countries. Now, it is a good thing that this device is invented to stop smoking addiction.  Although addiction can be stop in long term, these electronic devices will help you to achieve your goal.


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