Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Simple Tips on How You Can Quit Smoking

You can ask any person who has successfully quit smoking if they had an easy time doing so and they will all tell you that it is no picnic. Non-smokers can be quite judgmental when they say that you can just simply stop smoking and be done with it, there is more to it than that. Smokers do know that there is nothing good that comes from smoking cigarettes, but they just cannot help themselves, they are already hooked. You cannot just flip a switch and suddenly not crave cigarettes anymore; it takes time and a whole lot of discipline to stop smoking.

If you are trying to quit smoking and you are having a rather hard time doing so, then here are a couple of suggestions that may be able to kick the habit for good:

Join a Support Group

If you are the only smoker in your family, odds are you will not get any helpful advice from any of them. They may mean well, but they will sound very judgmental and will only make you want to smoke more. By joining a support group of struggling and recovered smokers you can get real advice from people who know exactly what you are going through because they went through the same experiences as well.
And since they know just how hard quitting smoking is they have a lot of advice that they can share with you to somehow make things a bit easier.

Wean Yourself Gradually from Cigarettes

Some people may say that the easiest way to stop smoking is to just quit cold turkey, but that is not necessarily true. If you abruptly just stop smoking the withdrawal symptoms would come rushing in all at once, and in full force; sometimes the symptoms would be so severe that you will swear that you are losing your mind. The real best way to stop smoking is by gradually decreasing the amount of cigarettes you are smoking a day, right until you can comfortably stop smoking altogether. Doing it this way will lessen the effects of the withdrawal symptoms and make it easier for you to stop.

Hopefully these tips can somehow ease the burden when you're trying to quit smoking. It can be really difficult at first, but if you can just manage to fight temptation and your own urges to smoke during the first few weeks then you are well on your way to recovery.

   If you can't quit smoking, then you will let yourself be continuously overcome by a senseless desire.
Time and again we've heard stories that relate how quitting smoking is easier said than done. This idea points to the power that is inherent in smoking tobacco - power over human psyche that renders the smoker so powerless over the habit. In spite of these experiences, hopeful calls for people to stop smoking are being trumpeted everywhere with their terrifying slogan: Smoking kills.

Smoking Can Kill but You Probably Won't Quit

That the slogan is true and that cigarette is seemingly the only consumer product that can kill its consumers when used as directed could still be ineffective in convincing a smoking slave to get out of captivity. So you may sometimes tell yourself you just don't want to smoke but the feeling of wanting to smoke still looms. Or, you probably had already claimed that to quit smoking is the easiest task you have ever done, but you had gone through the same ordeal a thousand times! And listen and be warned! Make sure you wouldn't come to that point when you would say "I don't get to smoke. I have to smoke" because it means you will be giving in to the habit's clout. So the safest cigarette is the last one. Make that your last indeed.

Some Tips to Help You Out

Smoking is a habit that can not only affect your relationship with people that matter to you but also destroy your self-esteem. There will always be that gnawing feeling that something is amiss and that can only be corrected by eliminating the habit. It is really pointless to go on with the habit while being subjected to its negative effects. Think about the following strategies.

Believe that you can quit. Then write a list of the things that you would surely do. Make sure that you write down the reason/s why you are choosing to quit. Also, take note of the date you would start saying you are finally free of this habit. Get your friends and family to help you in this decision.
Exercising, especially breathing exercises can help. Breathing in more oxygen can lessen toxicity in the body and help in changing of mindset, experts say.

With these things about this ferocious habit being made clear, there is really no point why anyone should not quit smoking or try this immoral habit at all.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7191442


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