Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ten Different Ways You Can Use to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest challenges that you will have to face if you have been smoking for years, but it is something that you need to do if you ever want to live a healthy life. So to help you out here are 10 ways that you can use to quit smoking.

1. Exercise - Clinical studies have shown that people who exercise are less likely to crave a cigarette as compared to sedentary people.

2. Eat Healthy - Withdrawal symptoms due to your abrupt decline of nicotine intake can actually be countered by eating healthy foods and keeping yourself fit.

3. Stop Cold Turkey - Though this is the most difficult way to stop smoking, if you can manage to not smoke for the first week, despite the withdrawal symptoms, you will be able to stop smoking for good.

4. Look for Cigarette Alternatives - Some people find that chewing gum when they get a hankering for a cigarette actually helps. Or you can try using a fake cigarette to condition your brain to stop its nicotine dependency.

5. Using Prescription Drugs - There are prescription medication like Varenicline that reduces your craving for cigarettes and also diminishes the good feeling you get while smoking; but this option is only for extremely heavy smokers.

6. Nicotine Replacement Therapy - This is the most common method that people use to quit smoking. There are gums, patches, and sprays that provide your body with small amounts of nicotine, making it easier to wean yourself from cigarettes.

7. Join a Support Group - It really helps if you can talk with people who have been through the same things that you are going through. They can help you get enough motivation to see things through.

8. Avoid Smokers - Nothing can get you back on the bandwagon again than getting tempted to smoke again by the people around you. If you have friends who smoke, ask them if they could not smoke in front of you; and most importantly beg them to stop tempting you!

9. Set a Date for When You Will Permanently Quit - By giving yourself a deadline you are giving yourself a goal to reach for, making you more motivated to quit the habit.

10. Be Happy - The most common reason for people wanting to smoke is due to stress. So try to relax and free your mind from worries every once in a while so you can quit smoking for good.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7191450


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