Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Definite Reason To Why You Should Quit Smoking

Smoking has been a habit since 5000 BC. From then on, people have found smoking a vice difficult to quit because of the benefits they seem to enjoy. While smoking has actually been helpful to a lot of people in alleviating stress in the most pressured moments, the health risks are really deadly. In fact, these health risks are more than enough reasons why one should just quit smoking instead of continuing it despite the vice being hard to resist.

According to research, there are over 500,000 deaths that are recorded in a year in the United States which point out smoking-related diseases as the cause; furthermore, smoking even actually shortens the life span of the average person by about 13.2 to 14.5 years. A recent study also shows that the male population of China has a much shorter life expectancy because of smoking than their counterparts in countries where there are fewer smokers; in fact, it has been derived from studies that almost half of lifelong smokers would have deaths correlated to smoking.

Smoking also increases the risk of having a heart disease. The difference is so huge that even after years of quitting smoking, the risk does not decrease that much to equal the risk of those who have not smoked in their lifetime. It has also been discovered that smoking increases the chances of having Parkinson's disease, and it also worsens the symptoms of Crohn's disease.

What is also terrible about smoking is that it is not only the smoker whose body is harmed, but also those who inhale the smoke exhaled by the smokers. These people are called second-hand smokers, and their health risks are even more terrible. Those are just some of the many reasons. Generally speaking, to avoid killing one's self and harming other people, it is best that one should just quit smoking.

Even though these smokers are fully aware of the health risks, they still find it hard to quit. This may be because of the fact that smoking is a vice to that person, and the emotional and psychological distresses that one has undergone could really tempt the person to smoke. It may be hard to fully quit, but it is important that one seek the inspiration to finally let go of that cigarette and live a healthier lifestyle for the rest of the person's life. One should just quit smoking if he values his life or it may all be too late.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7191457


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