Monday, November 12, 2012

Nicotine Replacement Therapies Are Simply Not Effective

Before the 1990's, the only ways available to quit smoking involved counseling programs of one sort or another. They were either conducted one-on-one by psychologists who specialized in smoking cessation or commercially available programs that were taught in hotel seminars.

During the 1990's, many pharmaceutical companies introduced various products which introduce nicotine into the body of the smoker in such a way as to not further damage the lungs. Since these transdermal patches, mints, gums,vapors and electronic devices provide the nicotine without the harmful effects normally found in smoking tobacco, they were seen as a 'quick fix' and a relatively easy way to quit smoking.

All of these products are classified by the Food and Drug Administration as "Nicotine Replacement Therapies" (NRT), and, with the exception of the electronic devices, are approved for human use by the FDA. Once thought to be the "magic bullet" to solve the smoking problem, they have seriously failed to live up to the promise

The essential problem with these products is that. while they certainly provide a source of nicotine to satisfy a smoker's craving, they do absolutely nothing for the psychological or habitual aspects of the smoking problem. It is just much more complex than a simple physical addiction to the nicotine chemical!

For this reason, the relapse rate for these products is extremely high! In fact, fewer than 20% of the smokers who use these products are able to effectively quit smoking and remain smoke free for 12 months or more.

An independent study conducted at the Harvard School of Public and published in January of 2012, concluded that Nicotine Replacement Therapy products "are no more effective in long term smoking cessation then quitting on one's own".
Smokers who seriously desire to quit must use a comprehensive solution which addresses the physical nicotine addiction while also managing the habitual and psychological issues at the same time. Only such a comprehensive approach will seriously help a smoker to quit gracefully and to remain smoke free for a year or more.

If you use patches, gums, mints, lozenges, vapors or electronic cigarettes devices to introduce nicotine into your system. you can expect to relapse back to smoking your full quota of cigarettes within a few weeks. You may be unaware of the repetitive usage cycle that NRT products draw you into. As you struggle to quit and remain smoke free, you will probably go through many iterations of NRT use before giving up completely.

These failures to quit are totally unnecessary! In fact, for most smokers they leave you in a "failure state" in which you fail to quit smoking so many times that you naturally come to believe that quitting is impossible for you.

You owe it to yourself to commit to a counseling program to more effectively quit smoking. They are rarely a "quick fix", but they are far more effective. So, do your homework and research the various counseling programs that do not use NRT products or drugs as a "crutch". You will find local programs or several on the Internet which can provide real and guaranteed results. You can Quit Smoking!

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