Tuesday, November 6, 2012

5 Ways How Acupuncture Helps Smoking

For some people, quitting smoking is as easy as one, two, and three. But for others, it takes lots of time and effort, and sometimes money. There are alternative therapies however, that are proven to help a person quit smoking at no or less risk, such as acupuncture.

Acupuncture and smoking sounds bizarre right? Well, you might want to give it a try first. Anyway, there's nothing wrong it. It's a healthy, risk-free therapy that will benefit you. How will acupuncture help you quit smoking?

1. It lowers down stress levels that trigger smoking. The calming effect of acupuncture makes it easier for people to quit smoking. Acupuncture stimulates the production of endorphin's or the 'feel good' chemicals in the brain that are responsible for the feeling of happiness. Some people, who are in a state of severe stress, often find comfort in smoking. Just one session of acupuncture can make a significant reduction in your stress levels.

2. It alleviates withdrawal symptoms. Some smokers have the full determination to quit but find it hard to cope with the difficulties that come with the withdrawal symptoms. Acupuncture is scientifically proven to be effective in addressing chronic pain issues and other mental disorders including depression and anxiety. If you're currently in the smoking cessation process, you will benefit from undergoing acupuncture. It also 
alleviates agitation, nervousness, and other signs of mental distress.

3. It helps lower down the smoking intervals. Smokers who have went through acupuncture treatments significantly reduced the number of times they smoke, a study reveal.

4. It's a great complimentary treatment for quitting smoking. There are smoking cessation drugs that don't do well with other medications. Being a natural treatment, you can use acupuncture in conjunction with your present smoking cessation treatment.

5. It's for all ages. Whether you're a teenager, a working professional, or an adult in late 50s, you will benefit from acupuncture. It's a safe therapy that will work for anyone.

Yes, acupuncture will not only assist you in quitting smoking, it can also help you recover from the negative effects of tobacco use. The liver for instance, greatly benefits from this alternative therapy. Our liver has a tendency to become heavily dependent on smoking that it chases the harmful chemicals from tobacco. And with these chemicals, the liver starts to malfunction. Acupuncture has a restorative effect in our body organs. It restores the flow of energy in your body, improves blood circulation, and makes you feel well.

Nicotine addiction is something you can't easily crack and get rid of. It takes more than any nicotine replacement products and a strong will power. Quitting is long and difficult process and not every smoker is capable enough to fight the urge and cravings of nicotine addiction. Prevention is still the best medicine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7192833


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