Friday, November 16, 2012

Essential Explanations to Quit Smoking

There are a lot of explanations to quit smoking, and the most obvious one is because your health is gradually deteriorating. You will also affect those around you by the second-hand smoke you generate, this is a problem for those around family members often.

7 Explanations Why You Should Quit Smoking

1. Deteriorates Your Senses

It will deteriorate your senses, which suggests that you won't be able to taste or smell as you could before.

2. Possibility of Cancer

Tobacco smoke is made up of carcinogens (cancer-inducing substance) which will boost your chance of acquiring cancer, because these will compromise the growth of your cells. Sometimes they will trigger your cells to replicate too rapidly or make them develop abnormally.

3. Carbon Monoxide Content

A large amount of carbon monoxide, a result of incomplete burning of fuels that contains carbon can be obtained from smoking. CO binds to hemoglobin of red blood cells which will then decrease the oxygen that the afflicted cells can transport.

4. Increase Proneness to Diseases

It will weaken your immune system, which will make you more susceptible to diseases especially respiratory ailments.

5. Decreases Antioxidants

It will lower your antioxidants. Antioxidants help restore the body's damaged cells. To improve your antioxidants, drink some tea or coffee.

6. Emphysema

Emphysema is an illness caused by an excessive amount of smoking. This illness steadily decays your lungs, which will then incur bronchitis and heart failure.

7. Smoking Kills

Smoking is accountable for increasing the death rate in the world. A hundreds of thousands of people die from smoke-induced diseases each year; even passive smokers tend to pick up smoke-induced diseases.

3 Basic Tips to Stop the Habit

1. Distract Yourself

By distracting yourself, you won't even feel the wanting to smoke. Try to read some books, socialize with non-smokers, listen to some music, etc.

2. Eat Bananas

Bananas are said to help restrain your craving to smoke. By including this in your daily diet, you will be able to suppress it for good.

3. Create an Oral Replacement

Some smokers smoke just to keep their mouths and fingers busy. Find a appropriate substitute for this, like mints, sweet candies, fruits, gum, etc. Not only will these serve as a replacement for cigarettes, but you will distract yourself from the thought of smoking as well.

In conclusion, it is a harmful and challenging habit to stop. Also, people find it more difficult to stop if there are people who nag them to stop; therefore, only you can truly help yourself quit smoking.

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